TR: How to Use

Demonstration Video (9 min, 27 MB)

Copying and Pasting
  1. To select any information (text, for example) means to click and drag over the information causing it to be highlighted.
  2. To copy any information (text, pictures, whatever) means to select the information and choose File > Copy or type ⌘-C.
  3. The pasteboard (also called the clipboard) is the invisible holding place in which information is stored when you copy it.
  4. To paste any information (text, pictures, whatever) means to select the destination and choose File > Paste or type ⌘-V.
Figure 1: A Translator (transliterator) Window

Translating Text
  1. Select the text you wish to re-encode in your document.
  2. Copy (File > Copy or type -C) it onto the pasteboard.
  3. Press the the Translate Pasteboard button on the TR translator.
  4. Paste (File > Paste or type -V) the text back into your document.
Figure 2: Translating Text: Workflow Diagram (clockwise from lower left)

How to create a TR translator
  1. File > New
  2. Enter the two alphabets (source and target). They need not be the same length (extra characters will be ignored).
  3. You can set fonts as a visualization aid.
  4. The Swap button reverses the direction of translation.
  5. There are several pre-canned translators provided with this application (see “Included Alphabets”).
Figure 3: The “unicode > latin” Transl[iter]ator

The unicode > latin translator (transliterator) is one of dozens that are included with TR. This one converts between Armenian Unicode and a peculiar Latin encoding that closely resembles Hübschmann-Meillet.

Sample input text:

Output that would result: