♰ Bible Study by Abouna Angelos Images of Mary in the Old Testament Virgin Birth (Genesis 3:15) - God refers to Eve's "seed," a Hebrew word referring to man - Indicates virgin birth, image of Mary - First "Good News" Story of Jacob (Genesis 27) - Mother Rebekah is a "type" of St. Mary - Rebekah favors Jacob b/c he accepts God's covenant - Isaac favors Esau because he is oldest and manlier - Rebekah dresses Jacob as Esau w/ goatskins and oils - Jacob is blessed by Isaac * Symbolic of preparation of sacrifice of son to God * Like Mary bearing Jesus's body to be crucified Mary as "Second"/"New" Eve - "Eve" -> "Eva" -> city/village of living - Mary is city of the new life through Jesus - Represented by Mary's icon on Eastern wall in Arm. Church Sarah - God chose Israel because he made covenant with Isaac * God's actions, not man's, bring favor * Like God's choosing Mary - Isaac's birth is miraculous, like Jesus's to Mary - Isaac sacrificed yet continued living, like Jesus The Ark of the Covenant * 10 Commandments - Word of God, like Jesus - Given to Israelites to know God - Kept in box as Jesus was kept in Mary * Aaron's rod (Dt 17) - Israelites wanted to be priests (Dt 16) - Moses had each tribe give a staff - Only Aaron's staff sprouted in Ark of Covenant * God's sign that Aaron's family would be priests - Like Mary bearing Jesus in presence of God (Ark of Cov.) * Pot of Manna - Life (Jesus) contained in a pot (Mary) The Burning Bush - God (Jesus) is in the burning bush (Mary) Ruth - Given grace as a foreigner by Boaz - "Grace" in Heb. ("Khasad") is feeling towards one's family - God gives Mary grace shows acceptance in His family Prayer of Hannah (1 Sam 2:1) - Hannah has no child for many years, mocked - Later is blessed with miraculous son Samuel - Prayer echoes Mary's prayer (Luke 1:46) - Both Mary and Hannah raised from poor backgrounds Virgin Birth Predicted (Isaiah 7:14) - Two versions of Bible, Greek and Hebrew - Hebrew prophesies "teenage girl," Greek, "virgin" - Disciples used Greek, hence "virgin" used in Matthew - Prediction of Mary in time of Ahaz's crisis * Judah about to be attacked by Israel, Assyria * END OF BIBLE STUDY * Next time - Finish Old Testament images, read New Testament images - Read: * Luke 1 * Matthew 1 * Patriarch looking for feminine figure in OT + Genesis + Psalms Words of Wisdom from Abouna: - Bible is like an autostereogram - Spend your time either reading or thinking - More people alive today than have ever died -> many distractions - Media is like gorging oneself with food, cannot digest - Instead, do the following (in order of priority) 1) Think 2) Pray/listen to prayers 3) Listen to sermons (not too many that you cannot digest) - Match your circle of influence with your circle of concern (from "7 Habits of Highly Effective People") - Keep in mind the Serenity Prayer